To choose what food to consume,
it's quite difficult due to wide range of food.
To choose what colour,
is complicated as different colour bring different meaning.
To choose what to study,
it's quite sad, as not everyone able to choose what they wanted to study.
To choose the another half in our life,
it's unique to be as in faith to able 2 to meet.
To choose the path to walk on that doesn't had a U-Turn,
it's the most difficult task to be done by everyone.
as you can see,
not most of us able to choose the course they wanted to enrol in,
as it may seems to be a sad thing.
but the truth for me,
it's more sad that had to choose myself,
without proper guidance and different opinion of other's
it just make me more complicated and more confuse
am i really on the right track?
as in, the right track for my own path or the right track for what other indirected wanted path?
Why on earth that money exist?
does anyone had the same question?
money seems to be more important to be compare in love, feelings, family, relationship, friends !
money is like devil for me,
as in, it's dominating over us.
but there still a rule in my mind,
money can buy and allow us to do most of the things but not true love.
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